Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The List (Subject to change)

Started on August 1st, 2008 end Friday, April 29, 2011
101 in 1001 List

I've made the decision to move the date back to August 2008 because i didn't really start working on anything on the list until then. So this way it gives me some more time for the bigger things (like say, get a college degree). And anyway, it's my list and I'll do what I want to.

Updated February 1st, 2009

1: Sew the strawberry quilt Finished August 2008
2: Paint a Canvas
3: Learn to make candles
4: Pick up ceramics again
5: Make a decent ceramic plate
6: Make Boot camp scrap book
7: Make wedding photo book (In Progress and almost finished)
8: Make 1st Deployment Scrapbook
9: Buy 2 colors of Wollemise Lace (2/2) November 2008
10: Learn to make bath stuff
11: Make a new pen/pencil holder-ceramics
12: Sew 4 pillows for the home (0/4)
13: Make market bags and use them (0/4)
14: Buy spinning wheel August 2008
15: Learn to spin August 2008
16: Learn to dye my own yarn
17: Visit a major yarn event (Spring Fling St. Louis)Complete 4/24/09
18: Knit a Fair Isle sweater (eunny chang’s maybe?)
19: Go to The Loopy Ewe next time I visit family in St. Louis (April 2009)
20: Knit a blanket/afghan
21: Knit 12 pairs of socks in a year (15/12) December 2008
22: Knit floor pillows for the home (0/2)
23: Learn to cook 6 healthy dinners (1/6) (1: Shepards Pie)
24: Learn to bake Finnish sweet bread
25: Move out from home (again)(May l 2009)
26: Get Ramses de-clawed September 2008
27: Plant lavender , mint and other herbs, tomatoes
28: Buy bamboo plant and take care of it
29: Get oil changed every 3 months
30: De-clutter my things (inc storage unit) storage unit gone
31: Learn to make fondue
32: Get rid of one item a day (donate/trash/sell/recycle)
33: Consolidate all recipes into recipes book
34: Learn to Appliqué (flower wall hanging?)
35: Quit my job and be a housewife
36: Put $3000.00 into savings ($500.00/$3000.00)
37: Clean for 5 minutes before bed daily
38: Fill out my address book by February ‘08 done on 1/23/08
39: Take a trip on my own (April 2009-SF)
40: Meditate once a week for 3 months
41: Get an Iphone Done Feb 2009
42: Buy a digital video recorder
43: Learn to Make 5 different types of lunches (2/5)
44: Worry Less/Gratitude list daily thanks to iphone
45: have a picnic in the park (0/2)
46: Drink 4 glasses of water a week
47: Drink milk 4 times a week
48: Wash face daily
49: Start flossing/brushing teeth more-working up to daily
50: Make duvet cover (bought one instead)
51: Make table cloth and place mats for dining table
52: Completely re-vamp wardrobe (inc. sleepwear) for clothing that fits, is classic and looks good
53: Complete College BA degree
54: Learn Latin
55: Get scholarships for school
56: Pay off Matthew’s BofA loan Done 2/20/2009
57: Completely pay off credit card (mine)
58: Pay off WF Credit Card
59: Learn to sew clothing/read a pattern
60: Collect inspirational quotes and make a collage to frame
61: Go up one pant size and maintain that size Done March 2009
62: Fill a journal completely
63: embroider a tea towel set (0/7)
64: knit something from handspun scarf pic on other blog
65: Make 6 desserts (0/6)
66: Write 10 poems (1/10)
67: Deal with dental stuff and fix teeth
68: Host a “grown-up party”
69: Design own knitting pattern
70: Organize/record/deal with all knitting patterns/items/yarn
71: Finish Dante’s Prayer Tattoo (IP Oct 2008)
72: Make 3+ amigurumi animals
73: Learn Celtic Card Set
74: Get a Passport
75: Make an inspiration Board
76: Submit a knitting project to OC County Fair
77: Take a ballet class session
78: Create and stick to household budget
79: Knit 20 projects from Ravelry que (9/20) fifi, embossed leaves socks, pillars of fire, chevron scarf, spring beanie, seeded cables cardi, shetland triangle, 2 camel dish cloths
80: Celebrate all Sabbats for 1 year
81: Celebrate all Esabbats for 1 year
82: Complete inventory of our personal property
83: Buy a fireproof safe for important docs
84: Light Candles at least once a week for 2 months (1/8)
85: Sew a needle case for Straights 5/9
86: Shop when possible at Farmer’s Markets (and Trader Jo’s)
87: Buy: Blender, GF Grill, Toaster oven(?) or Food Prosessor
88: Finish 5 Misc Sewing/Quilting Projects (5/5) asian quilt, needle case, xmas wall hanging, swap throw, apron
89: Read at least 2 Classic Novels (Greek and Roman Lit count. If it's for my degree why the hell not?)(2/2) Cicero and Satyricon
90: Organize bathroom stuff
91: 3 get away weekend trips just for self (1/3) spring fling
92: Twice a year two getaway trips with Matthew (0/6)
93: Wii Fit 3 times a week
94: Vitamin daily
95: Buy a couch set
96: Sew new Renn Faire costume
97: Spend time at Japanese Garden at school before after class
98: Sit in a café/tea parlor every month and write
99: Take a cooking class
100: See 3 performances in a real theater (not movie) (1/3)1: The Rainmaker(2/1/09)
101: Write a New List.

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